Room without borders
With our new SYMA BLACKBOX, small rooms become big. On an area of only 25 m2 we dissolve not only spatial but also temporal boundaries. Offer your customers a new kind of virtual reality experience in a personal setting – live and without headset.
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Innovation for your customers
SYMA opens up modern and efficient new opportunities in exhibition booth construction. For exhibitions, event organizers and exhibitors our new BLACKBOX is an opportunity to present a genuine, brand-new innovation. But the BLACKBOX is also suitable for events, showrooms, museums, shops and many other applications. So, the range of applications is very wide.

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Beamers and Computers
BLACKBOX came about through inspiration from the team of Swissbau 2022 and in dialog with inside reality and SYMA.

Elegant design and structure
A simple and elegant exterior in black, the 5x5 meter construction made of SYMA-MOLTO 90 conceals an impressive experience. Three homogeneous white walls inside the BLACKBOX serve as projection surface for the virtual room experience. Each of the walls used as screen has its own projector and a computer. With the help of a complex roof construction which allows three separate projectors to be suspended, a cohesive and impressively realistic overall picture is created out of the individual elements. Based entirely on your own needs and products, in the BLACKBOX you can present your individual content in virtual reality, without your guests even having to wear a 3D headset. All it takes is conventional web browser technology and a stable Internet connection to realistically display products, landscapes, buildings, complex processes, extensive services and much more – no other software required. Moreover, this experience can also be made accessible for relevant online participants around the world. All that is necessary for live participation is the QR code linked to the respective event. This way the product presentation can be sent to decision-makers, colleagues or friends who aren’t there in person.
Die Aussenwände sind mit bedruckten Textilsegeln verkleidet. Die Hülle verleiht dem Baukörper seine Eleganz
Die Aussenwände sind mit bedruckten Textilsegeln verkleidet. Die Hülle verleiht dem Baukörper seine Eleganz
Auf einer Grundfläche von 5 x 5 Metern steht der 3 Meter hohe, schlichte Kubus
Auf einer Grundfläche von 5 x 5 Metern steht der 3 Meter hohe, schlichte Kubus
Die BLACKBOX ist mit SYMA-MOLTO 90 gebaut. Das System bietet sehr viele Vorteile
Die BLACKBOX ist mit SYMA-MOLTO 90 gebaut. Das System bietet sehr viele Vorteile
3 Wandsegel zu je 15 Quadratmetern bieten eine beeindruckende Projektionsfläche
3 Wandsegel zu je 15 Quadratmetern bieten eine beeindruckende Projektionsfläche
Examples of practical applications:
A kitchen producer wants to present his new assortment at an exhibition. In the BLACKBOX multiple versions of the kitchen can be displayed in different rooms with different materials. In the virtual space the fittings, surfaces, room sizes and other attributes can be presented and flexibly adapted to customer preferences. On top of that, the content presented in the BLACKBOX can be recorded and distributed later on in your own YouTube channel, website and social media channels. Visitors to the BLACKBOX can share the presentation live with friends or work colleagues, or watch it again later, alone or with others, as often as they like. More information about the SYMA BLACKBOX can be found in our blog. The pictures depict an event with the Swissbau team in August 2021
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SYMA has the innovative BLACKBOX set up in its own company showroom in Kirchberg. We would be happy to present the BLACKBOX to you live and in person.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Daniele Tommasino
Head of Exhibit Systems & Export
- hc.am1738895921ys@on1738895921isamm1738895921ot.el1738895921einad1738895921
- +41 71 932 32 19