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Public exhibition vs. trade fair: The right exhibition stand for every appearance

Publikumsmesse vs. Fachmesse: Der richtige Messestand für jeden Auftritt

Not all trade fairs are the same. Whether the trade fair audience is made up of trade visitors or end customers makes a significant difference when planning your trade fair presence. Although there are also many parallels in terms of the framework conditions, you should adapt your trade fair stand and communication in particular depending on the trade fair format. We have summarised here how this works and what else you need to consider when planning a trade fair vs. a public exhibition.

B2B or B2C trade fair: What are the differences?

Business-to-business or business-to-consumer? The differences between B2B and B2C trade fairs are manifold. Two types of trade fair audience – trade visitors and end customers – are accompanied by different types of trade fair communication, objectives and stand design. But what exactly is a trade fair as opposed to a public exhibition?

As a rule, only participants who are employed in the respective industry are admitted to B2B or trade fairs. There are certainly exceptions here, but the focus is clearly on trade visitors. Accordingly, exhibitors at a trade fair can assume a certain basic knowledge and interest on the part of the participants and organise their communication and advisory services accordingly. The main aims of a B2B trade fair are to make new industry contacts, maintain existing business relationships and exchange information about current events within the industry as well as to present your own innovations.

A group of people who make new industry contacts

In contrast, the focus at a public exhibition is clearly different. It attracts people who are looking for entertaining experiences, fun and who may also want to buy something directly. For exhibitors, the objective here is therefore to attract attention, sell and make their own brand better known. Because B2C trade fairs generally generate significantly larger crowds of visitors who have less prior knowledge and are therefore often not specifically looking for a supplier, an eye-catching design for your trade fair stand is more important than ever here.

Let’s take a look at what you should specifically look out for when planning the B2C trade fair.

Eye-catching and entertaining: the exhibition stand for public fairs

A successful exhibition stand at a B2C trade fair is defined above all by one word: experience. To not only attract as many visitors as possible, but also to keep them at your stand and leave a lasting impression with your brand, you need to entertain, amaze, emotionalise and arouse their curiosity for more.

Because direct sales are also the main focus at public trade fairs, the trade fair stand should be more like a sales area where you can showcase your products or services in an eye-catching way – for example, by offering visitors live demonstrations or inviting them to interact via social media, a competition or a photo box. It is important that you plan enough space at your stand to accommodate as many people as possible – after all, public trade fairs can often be quite crowded.

A full exhibition hall

Giveaways are also a particularly important way to anchor your brand in people’s minds beyond the trade fair and turn interested parties into customers. Here, promotional items that cost little but are practical and frequently used, such as notebooks, cotton bags, gym bags, umbrellas or lighters, are ideal.

Informative and professional: the exhibition stand for trade fairs

In contrast to a public exhibition, a trade fair is characterised above all by its professional basis. The majority of visitors here are experts and have a certain basic knowledge of the industry. Accordingly, your trade fair stand should have an informative rather than a promotional character in order to emphasise that you are meeting your industry colleagues at eye level. Of course, advertising spaces such as LED walls and roll-ups are still perfectly appropriate, but the design should be adapted to your target group and better reflect your current products or services rather than the brand.

Standing tables, seating and a lounge area should not be missing at trade fairs in order to provide space for detailed consultations. If necessary, a separee at the modular exhibition stand provides an extra portion of privacy. Your brand identity can be reflected in special elements of your exhibition stand design. Or you can plan a SYMA customised exhibition stand that gives you complete freedom of design.

Sufficient seating and a lounge area at the exhibition stand

Advertising materials are also popular at trade fairs, promote brand awareness and are an appreciative way of attracting professional contacts. Writing cases, coffee mugs, luggage straps, sleep masks or practical electronic gadgets are suitable for the professional context.

Conclusion: Success with customised trade fair planning

Whether it’s a public exhibition or a trade fair – the exhibition stand is your stage to present your product range and make contact with people. And this stage must first and foremost be functional and reflect your brand identity. By taking your target group into consideration when planning your trade fair stand and adapting the design to the respective setting, you can be even more successful on site and turn more interested parties into customers.

Whether B2C or B2B, individual or modular exhibition stand: we at SYMA support you in every setting with expertise and high-quality solutions, from the concept to the finished implementation. Get in touch with us right away and let us make your next trade fair appearance unforgettable.
