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The right trade fair stand for every company size

Various frame profiles by SYMA

Requirements in trade fair construction are often diverse and require a high degree of flexibility. The size of the stand always plays an important role. This is, in many cases, bound to the respective location – but also the available budget must, as a second framework condition, be used optimally. To accommodate every business and client, from small family businesses to large, booming start-ups, we use our highly adaptable exhibition stand construction systems. In this article you will find out which advantages they offer and how they succeed in optimally setting the stage for trade fair stands for any size of company.

The art of presentation – exhibition stands from small to limitless

Innovation in product and service presentation has taken on many dimensions: From digital exhibition stands, hybrid integrations, virtual reality elements, sustainable exhibition stand solutions, to classic presentation elements in all materials, shapes and sizes. The goal is always to stand out and be noticed. Unsere Konzepte zeichnet daher ein Innovationsgedanke aus, der theoretische, neue Optionen immer konkret mit dynamischer Praxis befüllt. It is this variety of ideas and concepts that makes it possible to always have the ideal exhibition stand for every project budget and every exhibition hall, no matter how small or large. In the following, we present in more detail how the right trade fair stand could look like for any size of company.

Exhibition stands for smaller companies

Especially for smaller and new companies, trade fairs are a great opportunity – but also a challenge. How can your own product be presented in the best possible way? Stylish minimalism is often the trump card here: modular, adaptable system stands can be used flexibly and can also be used several times at different events. Due to their changeability, the module stand tests can be precisely adapted to the respective circumstances and the low organisational effort allows you to focus entirely on your own offer.

Unsere MessearUnsere Messearchitekten planen und designen das festgelegte Standbauangebot automatisch so, dass das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung trotz komplexer Vorgaben ideal präsentiert werden.chitekten planen und designen das festgelegte Standbauangebot automatisch so, dass das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung trotz komplexer Vorgaben ideal präsentiert werden. Individuality can be added with graphics and furniture – little extras that you can borrow from our extensive collection at any time. Why order special designs if the components for the respective purpose are already available? The resulting conservation of resources, as well as the protection of the environment, is an important concern for us.

Medium – but never mediocre: The efficient trade fair stand for any size of company

For established companies from the SME sector, the balance between costs and benefits plays an important role. For this purpose, especially combined system stands with individual extensions as a flexible trade fair stand solution. The wide and differentiated range of specialised components used offers an inexhaustible variety of diverse design options. The realisation of special wishes makes it possible to build individually planned exhibition stands with reusable system elements. For these projects, the concept with design and realisation is precisely adapted to the available budget. The customer’s wishes are therefore always the starting point for the exposé – and any addition is always possible. Everything can – nothing must.

Boundlessly individual

Our individual exhibition stands are created exactly for specific customers and events – and leave nothing to be desired. Depending on the specifications of the trade fair organiser and the budget, our trade fair architects plan a stand-out, individually adapted trade fair stand around the brand and the CI. The latest, most innovative and breathtaking presentation elements can also always be incorporated, such as:

  • Parts of the hybrid trade fair stand, the meet-hybrid Studio Cube, which makes every trade fair accessible worldwide and uses the latest techniques for simultaneous digital presentation and on-site experience.
  • Our brand new SYMA BLACKBOX with the Virtual Reality presentation, which opens up unimagined dimensions of spatial experience – your products have never been presented like this before!
  • Innovative and ingeniously thought-out scent concepts that elevate the trade fair experience to a new sensual level and create completely unknown impressions.
  • A brilliant lighting concept that is always an essential part of any trade fair stand. The elaborate lighting architecture is not only an eye-catcher, but the right lighting concept with selective accents also creates a holistically animating atmosphere.
  • Environmentally friendly produced materials, which make the individual presentation stand a certified sustainable trade fair stand and authentically underline the progressive thinking of your company.

As has been shown, a concept that is precisely adapted to your product and your ideas will reliably create the right trade fair stand for any size of company. Even on the smallest surface, our systems create a clear and strong brand presentation – and for larger projects, there is no limit to our elaborate, individual design for your offer! Our talented and experienced trade fair architects love challenges and look forward to getting to know you during a personal consultation to make your next trade fair appearance a real experience.
